: Jeevan P. Verma
The second edition retains the basic organisation and scope of the earlier edition. However, notable additions have been made in the chapters on structure, genetics and evolution. A short description of groups like cyanobacteria and archaebacteria has also been added. An outline of the bacterial classification as given in the recent four-volume edition of Bergey's Manual is given for ready reference. A chapter on genetic engineering has been provided to keep up with the advances in the understanding of the microbial world. The list of Nobel Prize Winners has been revised and the major events in commercialisation of biotechnology have been listed. There was a strong pressure to enlarge the chapter on bacterial diseases. But it was decided to write another volume which should include all the aspects of bacterial diseases of plants. As always, all comments and criticism from readers are most welcome.
It is hoped that this revised volume would attract the imagination of students so that the subject becomes more popular.
I. Introduction
History and Development - Early History, Spontaneous Generation, Modern Bacteriology; Origin of Bacteria; Stains and Staining - Classification of Biological Stains, Fundamentals of Staining, Staining Procedures; Principles of Pure Culture Study/Techniques; Symptoms of Bacterial Diseases of Plants - Local (Leaf) Spots, Extensive Blights, Soft Rots, Vascular Diseases (Wilts), Cankers, Galls or Tumours; Nobel Prize
II. Structure of Bacteria
Morphology, Ultrastructure and Taxonomic Position; Prokaryotic Cellular Organisation; Range of Cellular Organisation; Evolutionary Significance of Cellular Structure; Chemistry of Slime and Capsules; Murein and Cytoplasmic Membrane; Cytoplasm; Sporulation; Food Reserves; Special Prokaryotic Organelles - Gas Vesicles/Gas Vacuoles, Chlorosomes, Carboxysomes (Polyhedral Bodies), Magnetosomes
III. Locomotion in Bacteria
Movement in Bacteria; Flagellar Structure and Flagellar Movement; Role of Slime
IV. Growth and Nutrition of Bacteria
Synthetic and Complex Media; Measurement of Growth; Growth Curve; Nutritional Classification of Bacteria; Penetration of Nutrients; Excretion of Digestive Enzymes; Enzyme Regulation; Enrichment Culture; Synchronous Culture and Chemostat
V. Bacterial Genetics
Physical Basis of Heredity, Gene Structure and Variation; Recognition of Bacterial Mutation and Mutation Rate; Genetic and Non-Genetic Adaptations; Extrachromosomal Elements (ECE); Recombination, Transformation, Conjugation, Transduction, Insertion Sequences and Transposons; Genetic Aspects of Regulation; Genetic Engineering/Gene Manipulation/ Recombinant DNA Technology - Restriction Endonucleases; DNA-Ligases, Major Events in Commercialisation of Biotechnology
VI. Classification of Bacteria
Critical Analysis of Methods to Identify Bacteria; Key Biochemical Tests for Identification; Serology; PPLO and Mycoplasma; Rickettsia; Bdellovibfio; Bacteriophages and Their Use in Detection of Bacteria; Important Groups of Bacteria; Volume 1 : The Gram-Negatives of General, Medical, or Industrial Importance; Volume 2 : The Gram-Positives other than Actinomycetes; Volume 3 : The Archaebacteria, Cyanobacteria, and Remaining Gram-Negatives; Volume 4 : The Actinomycetes; Phylogenetic Relationships
VII. Important Bacterial Diseases of Plants
Introductory Epidemiology and Management; Antibacterial Antibiotics and Their Mode of Action; Symptoms; Disease Cycle and Management - Bacterial Blight of Cotton, Bacterial Blight of Rice, Soft-Rot of Vegetables, Wilt of Solanaceous Crops, Citrus Canker
VIII. Host-pathogen Interactions
Physiology of Host-Pathogen Interactions; Infection Process; Dissemination; Mechanism of Crown Gall Formation; Soft Rot and Wilt; Bacterial Toxins - Tabtoxin and 2-Serine Tabtoxin (T and ST), Glycopeptides and Polysaccharides, Phaseotoxin, Other Toxins; Agglutinins and Lectins, Role of Extrachromosomal Elements (ECE) in Pathogenicity; Biological Control
IX. Bacteriology of Soil, Water, Air and Milk
Soil Bacteriology - Nitrogen Cycle, Sulphur Cycle, Carbon Cycle, Phosphorus Cycle, Miscellaneous Soil Bacteria; Air Bacteriology; Water Bacteriology; Dairy Bacteriology
Title Index
Reprinted; ISBN : 81-85048-17-7
260+xii pp.; B/W photos; Paper back