Editors : S.M. Paul Khurana, Ramesh Chandra and Mahesh D. Upadhya
is a crop grown worldwide which is being increasingly studied particularly from
the aspects of biotechnology covered here. The enormous research data in the
field of potato biotechnology for crop improvement, etc., have been generated
in the recent past. Such data, however, have been scattered widely and are not
available in a consolidated form. Research workers/students of biotechnology,
faculty members teaching them and also research workers with diverse backgrounds
find it difficult and look for comprehensive reviews. Occasionally, edited reviews
have appeared but with a specific purpose hence do not fulfil the needs of users
from different disciplines.
It is hoped that the information compiled here will serve as a ready reference not only to the potato biotechnologists but equally for the scientists in related disciplines involved in research, teaching and/or industry.
Anther Culture in Potato Improvement -
Strategies for the Evaluation of Somaclonal Variations as a Source of Resistance to Early and Late Blights of Potato
Somatic Embryogenesis and Somaclonal Variations
Long Term Storage of Old Potato Cultivars in Liquid Nitrogen
Potato Embryo Culture
Commercialization of Potato Micropropagation
Monoclonal Antibodies : Production and Application for Detection of Potato Viruses and Pests
Production of Disease-free Plants
Molecular Probes for Detection of Viruses and Viroids in Potato
Molecular Aspects of Self Incompatibility in Tuber-bearing Solanum spp.
Application of DNA Technology to Potato Improvement
DNA Finger Printing (RFLPs and RAPDs) in Potatoes
Genetic Engineering for Resistance to Potato Viruses
Environment and Regulatory Aspects of using Genetically Transformed Potato Plants (including Risks)
ISBN : 81-85048-39-8
372pp, Colour & B/W photographs; Hardbound