: V.P. Agnihotri, A.K. Sarbhoy and D.V. Singh
Diseases are one of the major constraints in the profitable cultivation of crops. The destructive role of plant diseases by preventing the realization of maximum yield has become quite difficult in recent years. This is perhaps due to high crop density obtained by using high rate of fertilisers and other agronomic practices. The problem is particularly serious in monocropped area. The book will act as a catalyst in ushering newer ideas in providing meaningful solutions to intricate problems in plant pathology. The editors, sincerely hope that the information provided in the book will be of immense utility to the scholars, scientists and enlightened farmers for the management of disease.
Foliar blights and Fusarium scab of wheat : Present status and strategies for management
Powdery mildew of wheat : A potential disease in North-western India
Banded leaf and sheath blight of maize
Integrated management practices for ergot of pearl millet
Biochemical aspects of green ear disease of pearl millet
Soybean rust : A threatening disease in India
Leaf spots and viral diseases of soybean
Alternaria blight and white rust of mustard : Potential threat to cultivation
Phytophthora blight of potato : An age old problem
Common scab of potato and its management
Evaluating potato seed health standard
Strategies to manage red rot of sugarcane: New approach
Epidemiology and management of Sclerotium root rot of sugarbeet : A threatening malady
Some threatening diseases of mango and their management
Guava wilt : Present status and future strategies
Citrus ring spot capillovirus and citrus mosaic badnavirus :Two emerging pathogens infecting citrus in India
Detection and management of blister blight of tea
Phytophthora foot rot of black pepper
Management of rhizome rot of ginger: Progress and perspective
Epidemiology and management of powdery mildews
Diseases caused by Macrophomina phaseolina and their management
Mycorrhiza in control of plant pathogens
ISBN : 81-85048-33-9
328 pp, Well Illustrated; Hardcover
rice: Rs.600.00 US$ 60.00